King Carlos[]
Carlos is the fatty chicken in Hop. He is E.B.'s dad's pookie bear or schnookums in command. He has always been jealous of the bunnies relationship with E.B.’s dad and constantly speaks bad of them behind their back. He catches young E.B. snatching chick shaped marshmallows. Years later, when E.B. went missing Carlos saw a perfect opportunity to ask out Mr. Bunny, but is rejected by him. Knowing he couldn't become his pookie wookie by asking, Carlos took control by force, taking the Egg of Destiny and locking up the bunnies.
Carlos, ready to take on his role as Mr. Bunny’s baby girl, is transformed by the magic of the Egg of Destiny. He grows long, fluffy ears, big, furry rabbit feet, buck teeth and a white, round, fluffy bunny tail. When E.B. confronts Carlos, it also appears that Carlos has grown tremendously in size, due to the fact that before his transformation he was a similar size to the Egg of Destiny staff, but after he completely dwarves it. Using his increased size and strength, Carlos beats E.B. and hops onto the Egg Sleigh. However, E.B., using drums and Phil's dancing, beats Carlos and saves Easter. Literally Italian asf. He says "ciao".
carlos is the first illumination villain to be an animal the second was snowball the third was the bears
the fourth was jimmy crystal and the 5th was bowser
he’s the only illumination villain to be live action